One of the most important parts of ounterinsurgency is to get the community on your side. You need the people who witness these crimes to have the ability and want to let the cops know. I thought the cop talking to the neighbors after the home invasion was such a good idea. Seeing people angrily rush by with guns can be scary, even if you know they are the good guys. So by the cops talking to the neighbors in a charasmatic way they may be more likely to open up and give valuable information to the cops. With the combination of friendly cops and powerful technology I can see this as the best way to stop gangs.
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
I think the ideas carried out in this video could have similar effects elsewhere in the nation. It seemed to work so well for them because the cops had background in the field so training for other cops would definitely be necessary. The good thing is its a simple idea that anyone can follow. It does seem like it would work best for a gang situation but opening up the information lines between cops and witnesses is always going to be helpful.

I thought the web of social connections was a really cool way to dismantle a gangs connections. It makes sense that once you track the main connection lines that cutting them would lead to the gang crumbling. As you can see in the pictures you get left with smaller and smaller groups as you cut connection lines. The formulas and technology they used to make the webs was also really intriguing. The only problem would be that if Harvard students were the ones surveying the area and making all of this work can we really do this everywhere? I mean there is a limited suplly of Harvard students and I'm not sure if the technology/strategy is simple enough for them to teach others.
One of the most important parts of ounterinsurgency is to get the community on your side. You need the people who witness these crimes to have the ability and want to let the cops know. I thought the cop talking to the neighbors after the home invasion was such a good idea. Seeing people angrily rush by with guns can be scary, even if you know they are the good guys. So by the cops talking to the neighbors in a charasmatic way they may be more likely to open up and give valuable information to the cops. With the combination of friendly cops and powerful technology I can see this as the best way to stop gangs.
I think this is a great idea for schools. I have never once in my life talked to OPP and as a student I've herad some things I'm sure he would like to know. I would feel awkward and like a snitch going up to him. Now if it was something that threatened someone's life or was a federal crime of course I would tell him but there are plenty of petty offenses that go on with what seems like a blind eye. Now the one difference is I don't really think the web thing would work for us because there are so many different social groups that get up to their own antics. I believe this could really help a school with gang problems and is definitely worth a shot.
One of the most important parts of ounterinsurgency is to get the community on your side. You need the people who witness these crimes to have the ability and want to let the cops know. I thought the cop talking to the neighbors after the home invasion was such a good idea. Seeing people angrily rush by with guns can be scary, even if you know they are the good guys. So by the cops talking to the neighbors in a charasmatic way they may be more likely to open up and give valuable information to the cops. With the combination of friendly cops and powerful technology I can see this as the best way to stop gangs.
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