Friday, April 19, 2013

Research Progress Blog #5

     Coming into this week my paper was pretty close to being done. I decided I didn't want to rush myself into finishing it early and just took an hour with it each night. By Thursday night all I did was a read through for flow and making sure my paper followed the checklist we were given last Friday. Even though doing it this way kept the stress of the paper on me it also gave me the opportunity to sleep on it and re-read it with fresh eyes. I changed some things on Thursday night and if I had the chance to read it again I would probably change more. What's written is written though and now it is out of my hands.

     Along with editing my paper I started to brainstorm ways to make my presentation effectively cover my topic without being boring. I decided that there is no better way to keep teenagers attention than with food! Since this class is in the morning I decided I wanted to find a muffin recipe that used a few of the substitutions I mentioned in my paper. I found these blueberry oatmeal muffins that actually use a lot of the substitutions I mention in my paper. Because of this I think for my presentation I will start with the muffin then use it as an example to guide me through my paper.

     I'm a little nervous about baking something for the presentation because you never really know how a baked good is going to turn out. This is a popular blog so I trust that they turned out good when she made them but me making them is a different story. I've baked plenty of things before but when things aren't definite they worry me. I am going to make the muffins Sunday night so I know I have enough time to focus on the cooking. Since I'm presenting on Tuesday I think leaving them in an air tight container should keep them fresh (fingers crossed!).

     I'm really excited to make these muffins. Like super excited (probably too excited). Its just I've been reading about these substitutions and how awesome they are for months and I haven't had an excuse to try them. I mean if its for school my dad has to let me buy these ingredients. The cool thing is though I already do have most of the ingredients so if these turn out they really could become an everyday breakfast.

     I have my presentation outline sketched out and now I just need to add in the wording and more details. What I found though was I know a lot about my paper. Like I'm not going to have to memorize facts to present I'm just going to need to memorize the order. I get anxiety about speaking but by going on a day with only half the class and feeling comfortable with the people in the half I think I'll have just enough nerves to give me the energy for a good performance.

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