Thursday, May 16, 2013

10 Things I WIsh I'd Known When I Was A Freshman

I genuinely enjoyed high school. I knew what college I wanted to go to and I did what I needed to do to get easily accepted. Coming up with this list took a lot of thought and I'm still not sure how helpful it would be to someone other than me. I could easily make a list that would help other freshman like 'join clubs' or 'remember freshman year grades matter' but those aren't things I needed to hear. I mean I made mistakes but none that I would actually want to go back and fix.
1. Its okay to put yourself first sometimes. I fell best when others feel good. This isn't necessarily bad but it can be if it effects me getting something done. I can take care of other people and myself at the same time.
2. Focus more on learning the content and not just earning the A. The skill of fast memorization was very helpful in keeping my straight A's. I wish I would've spent more time focusing on learning for long term than just trying to know it for the test. I still learned quite a bit but I feel like I could've walked away with more knowledge,
3. Prepare more for the SAT and ACT. I'm not sure how I feel about this one. I probably could've done better if I studied harder but would that stress be worth 1 point? I got high enough scores to get into the school I wanted, the programs, and additional scholarships.
4. Your sister is smarter, get over it, and do your best. That doesn't make her a better person or someone I should compare myself to. This one has always been a rough one to come to terms with. My sister took BC so why am I only taking AB?
5. Plan what need for the week out on Friday. I switch between my mom and dads house every single day and it seems that throughout the beginning of high school I forgot something more often than not. By planning out my outfits, food, workouts, and showers on Sunday I could make sure I had everything at the appropriate house before I wake up in the morning without anything to wear.
6. There are going to be teachers you don't like but the only thing you can do is suck it up. You need to remember that they deal with the same annoying kids as you and even the best teacher is going to have an off day. If you don't get along with a teacher just do the work assigned and stay quiet the rest of the bell.
7. Choose classes wisely. By doubling up in Math sophomore and junior year I didn't have much room for electives. Its not something I regret doing but after only being able to take yearbook for my senior year maybe I would've taken a math course over the summer to fit yearbook in.
8. Even if you worked for 5 hours and want to browse the web just go to bed. Doing homework up until bed time is never fun. Sleep doesn't sound like fun and you feel like you need some fun. If its after ten, brush your teeth and hit the hay.
9. Learn from your mistakes. If you mess up, don't dwell on it. Take a minute to reflect why it was wrong then learn from it & move on. Living in your past mistakes won't help your future.
10. Love yourself. This is something that I am still working on and will probably try to do forever. I wish I would've started to do this earlier in my high school career because its so important to happiness.
Overall I'm very happy with how high school went and sad to see it come to an end. I hope I can take all these lessons I learned and apply them successfully in college.

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