Friday, February 1, 2013

Potential Topics

I'm very interested in health & nutrition so that is what most of my topics focus on.
1.What is the 'paleo' diet & is it healthy?
This diet is often referred to as the caveman diet because it focuses on eating like our ancestors did way back in the day. It consists of foods that can be hunted & gathered. This diet is high in protein and doesn't allow processed food. Since dairy and grains are cut out I think it would be really interesting to figure out how people eat paleo but still get all the nutrients they need.
2. What makes your diet 'clean'?
Clean eating generally means no processed foods or refined grains (white flour & rice that have been stripped of nutrients). It means you avoid any ingredient that is long and you can't pronounce. I have always wanted to commit myself and try this but I'm not sure where to start. I need to make this more specific though because a clean diet is very broad. I could look into why ingredients you can't pronounce are bad for you and that is why you should eat clean.
3. The mental struggles of eating disorder recovery?
Recovering from an ED takes maybe only 3 months physically but it is a mental struggle for a lot longer. Once your body weight is healthy again you still want to restrict even though you know your are at a good weight. One of my closest friends is going through this right now and I can see the meal plan but not the mental battle she goes through. I think studying this topic would help me be of better support to her because I would understand the reasons why she can't eat. She knows she needs to but she can't and I find it would be helpful to know why she feels this way.
4. Is organic food actually better/more nutritious? Are there certain foods that are & some that it doesn't matter?
I bought organic cereal the other day, because it was on sale, and it got me thinking if it was actually any better for me than normal cereal. I have also heard that it is important to buy organic spinach but for other veggies it doesn't matter. I would be interested in figuring out which foods it matters for (if it matters for any) & why it only applies to some foods.
5. Healthy substitutions you can make while baking.
On a lot of health blogs I follow they post recipes that replace the unhealthy ingredients with healthier options. Like apple sauce can replace oil. I want to find out sort of the chemistry of why that works.I would also look into if it decreases the taste/quality of the product. I have made a few recipes using the substitutions and for the most part they work out nicely & I want to know why.


  1. Not to be too complimentary, but these are all great topics. I want to talk to you in class about which one you're most interested in pursuing and for most of them you already have decent started questions.

    Let's talk about a few of these and decide where you want to go.

  2. It seems like your topics revolve around food, is there any particular reason for this? These topics are really well thought out and I can clearly see the effort you put into each one. I give you 10 potatoes out of 10
