Monday, January 28, 2013

Justify Topic Choices - Traveling to Europe

I would love to travel around Europe. 

     You would think that taking 6 years of French means I love the language. I do enjoy it but I like learning about the culture much more. I have been in French club since freshman year and this year I am an officer. France always has lots of fun activities going on and I would love to visit during one of them. Since I like French food so much I would love to go to 'le diner en blanc'. Its where everyone wears white and meets in town with picnic foods and has a giant party. 

     I also watch a lot of YouTubers from the UK and it looks like an amazing place to visit. This is a vlog that has most of the youtubers I enjoy hanging out together in London. In a lot of videos they go to restaurants or cool locations that I would want to check out if I visited. They go to the restaurants Nandos & Wagamamas. I believe we have one or two of these in America but I'm not going to be in California any time soon (or London but a girl can dream). I really enjoy watching their vlogs because they are just normal people so if I go to the UK, I can do what they do. They are in London a lot but they also go to other cities around the UK that I would want to visit. When you read a cities tourist website you only see the best bits they are trying to sell. Through the vlogs you get to see all the little quirks of the city which is what makes it so appealing to visit. It gives the city a personality. 

     I think it would be cool to stay in London for like a summer and visit neighboring countries for little weekend getaways. I would visit France and Italy the most or for the most time because I love France & I'm Italian  I would probably book a ride on the Eurail because it would be quick transport to different countries. Once I'm in the country though I would walk, ride a bike, or take the metro to get where I want. This link takes you to a map of Europe and shows where the Eurail goes. I could pretty much reach any city I wanted in a reasonable about of time.  

      I can speak French but I don’t think I would like being somewhere that doesn't speak English for an extended period of time. I have found that outside of the UK the best way to avoid a language barrier is to stay at hotels and in big cities. I don't have much interest in the back countries so I think I'd be fine with that. 

     This picture shows the knowledge of English in Europe. The darker the green, the longer I would feel comfortable staying there.

     I would love to go when I’m younger without a family or major responsibilities but I won't have the money to do that for a while so that’s not going to happen. It would still be nice to visit when I’m older and have a more stable life. I think it would be fun to stay at least a night in each country in Europe. 


  1. Europe seems like such a huge topic i wouldnt even know where to start. I know you speak french pretty well so that would help out a lot, but this topic seems really broad. It should be cool though.

  2. I think its really cool that you're so passionate about something, and you've stuck with french so long. I tried spanish and stopped at novice 3. I think visiting france would be really cool especially since you speak french (fluently, im guessing). Its a pretty broad topic, but you could maybe narrow it down by thinking of some specific things you like about french culture?
