My first chunk of questions are going to be about flours. I didn't have any difficulties finding out about different types of flours & the nutrients they supply but it was hard to find studies about how they effected the chemistry and taste of the baked good. To find this out I went to the comments section of blogs with recipes that used these replacements and checked what people said about how it worked for them.
My next section will be about fats used in baking. There are many different routes I have explored to get the same effect as vegetable oil. One way is to just choose a healthier oil, such as olive. This isn't a neutral oil though so taste is affected. I have also found that people will use vegetable or fruit purees in order to keep the baked good moist. The most common (and the one with the most research on it) is apple sauce. I have seen people use pumpkin, banana, and zucchini as well.
I have been emailing back and forth with the dietitian quite a bit lately. She has been really helpful but we haven't had the chance to talk on the phone since she has been away on vacation I sent her a list of the questions I wanted to talk to her about and she was excited to answer them. I'm going to try and set up one more phone interview for this weekend and if that doesn't work I will take the info she gave me through text. I would still like to talk to a dietitian or nutritionist so I am looking for a local one that I could meet with face to face.
It makes me nervous/anxious that in 10 days I'll have a big chunk of my paper done. I've been working everyday at home or in class its just that I've known about this paper since sophomore year and now that the end is rapidly approaching its scary. I am going to Minnesota with my friend over spring break but I still should be able to easily get the paper done. She has to write it as well & this is more of a chill vacation so we aren't slammed with activities. I think I will actually do better having her writing right next to me. If we go to a coffee shop to work for an hour a day I'll be motivated because there is a time limit and I won't be alone to get distracted.
I have also come to really love my diigo account! If I'm in a rush I can save a source I've found in five seconds and then go back through it more carefully later. I also love the feature that lets you title it. That has helped me in my organization so much!
What I hopes stays the same for fourth quarter is how much I am enjoying learning more about my topic. I am a little nervous that since I won't be focusing on researching and just going back through what I've already read that I'll get sick of it. This topic is so information rich though that I don't think that'll happen!
I'm also pretty nervous for presentation night. This cartoon describes my exact feelings towards public speaking. Having all eyes on me is not something I am a fan of. The one thing I have found out about myself through high school though is that the more confident I feel in my knowledge about a topic the less my legs wobble and the smaller the judging audience gets. Since I know this about myself I feel like after finishing section four I will have a good grip on my topic and be able to present with confidence (at least I hope!).
Bravo! Another insightful writing.
ReplyDeleteGrouping questions by ingredient is a smart idea and beneficial, especially on a food-related topic.
Don't worry about the rough draft--the final draft--the one that matters--is due on April 19.
Looking forward to your final copy.
Capstone night deserves your preparation, but not your anxiety. You'll know your topic inside and out by then and you'll be ready.
Enjoy Minne-so-ta.